

SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Mar. 10, 2024

Key Sermon Points:

  1. Becoming devout
    1. What does it mean to be devout?
    2. What does it mean to be a religious person?
    3. Are we ashamed to be devout?
    4. Are we fully committed to a set of principles or doctrine?
    5. Are we fully committed to our faith?
    6. To become devout (Acts2:38):
      1. We must repent
      2. Receive the Holy Spirit  
      3. Then be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
      4. Be in the world, but not of the world
  2. Authentication in devotion
    1. The apostles confirmed us while at the same time confirmed their authentication (Acts 8:14-17)
    2. The authentication was demonstrated in what they did (Acts 2:43, Acts 10:44-45, Matthew 16:18, Acts 19:1-5)
  3. Sustained devotion
    1. Being steadfast, continuing in the doctrine, and having prayer (Acts 2:42)
    2. Having things in common (Acts 2:44)
    3. Breaking bread (Acts 2:46)
    4. Proof of reality is in continuing to follow Jesus
  4. Fruit of devotion
    1. Breaking bread in fellowship
    2. Praising the Lord
    3. The Lord added to the church
    4. Having a greater devotion to God, our neighbors and growth