Hope In A Dark Place


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Feb. 25, 2024

Sermon Key Points:

  1. Our belief
    1. Jesus is the revelation of God, the Son of God, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world
    2. When we accept Jesus as Savior, we have a home in God's Kingdom
    3. Believing in the Words of Jesus will carry us through
    4. He is coming back for us
  2. The question
    1. Thomas, also known as doubting Thomas, asked Jesus where He was going
    2. Jesus had already let them know that He was going to be with the Father (John 7:33-34; John 8:14)
    3. It was an important question to ask
    4. Knowing we have a home in God's Kingdom should give us hope
  3. The answer
    1. Jesus was going to the Cross before being resurrected for the forgiveness of sins
    2. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
    3. Jesus is the only way to God
    4. Jesus is the embodiment and perfect picture of Truth (John 14:7)
    5. Jesus is part of the Trinity
    6. Jesus is the Life...He lived perfectly (John 11:25) 
  4. Our response
    1. Have we ever had the opportunity to tell people about the love of Jesus and that Jesus is the only way to heaven?
    2. We have to keep witnessing to people
    3. We must always be ready to give a reason for the Hope that is in us by sharing our testimonies (1 Peter 3:15)
    4. We have been commanded to share the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20)
    5. Have we ever tried to lead someone to Christ?